Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Whole Wheat Muffins | Whole Wheat Walnut Muffins

What I like about these muffins are that they are made with whole wheat flour of course and no processed sugars and heaps of butter, Yes you read it right!!

These muffins are fluffy, light, moist and flavorful at the same time. Easy and quick to whip and packed with goodness of walnut. You can add any nuts or toppings of your choice. So try this satisfying and wholesome muffins.


3/4 cup Whole Wheat flour
6 tbsp Sour cream
4 tbsp Oil
1/4 + 2 tbsp Honey
1 Egg
1/8 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Baking powder
1/4 tsp Baking soda
1 tsp Vanilla extract
2 tsp Instant coffe

For Toppings:

1/4 cup Chocolate chips
1/4 cup Walnuts


  • Sift flour with baking powder and baking soda and keep it aside. Chop walnuts into small chunks. In a bowl beat egg with coffee until light and frothy.

  •  Add sour cream, honey, vanilla, oil and salt. Beat well for a minute or so.
  • Preheat the oven to 400 F.
  • Add flour and mix until combined.

  • Fold in half of walnut and chocolate mix and save the rest for toppings.
  • Spoon the batter in the lined muffin tin and fill these till the brim Top them with choco chips and walnut chunks.

  • Bake the muffins for 15-20 minutes or until the toothpick inserted comes out clean.

  1. Do not over fold the batter.
  2. These muffins are not overly sweet. If you prefer them sweeter add about 1-2 tblsp of extra sugar to suit your palate.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pav Buns / Home made eggless Pav

These buns are extremely soft, once you learn to make your own Pav/ Buns at home, you will never turn back to the bakery. It taste exactly like the store bought and can make it with healthier ingredients and shape as you desire.


2 cups All purpose flour
1 1/2 cup Water
2 tbsp Sugar
2 1/4 tsp Instant Yeast
2 tsp Salt
4 tsp Butter
2 tbsp Milk powder


  • Mix warm water, sugar and yeast together and let it sit for about five minutes or until the yeast get activated.

  • Onto a work table add All purpose flour, Salt and Milk powder and mix well.
  • Then add the activated yeast to the flour. (little at a time)

  • Knead the mixture (lift, spread, stretch and throw) into little sticky and soft dough for 10 minutes to form gluten in it. Then add butter and knead.
  • Place the dough onto slightly greased bowl. Cover it and let it rise ( preferably warm place) until it's doubled in size for 1-2 hours.
  • Gently deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured work surface and give knead it for last time for 1-2 minutes.
  • Divide and shape the dough according to your preference and place them on to a baking tray.
  • After shaping cover them with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap until they puff up (30-45 minutes)
  • Preheat the oven to 350 F and slightly milk wash the bread.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes.

  • Soft Pav / Buns are ready. Serve it with baji or vada

  1. Water required may vary, Use lesser amount in summer and greater in winter. So add little at a time
  2. You can brush with egg wash to get golden colour for the crown.
  3. Baking time could vary depending upon the oven.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Eggless Chocolate cake with Ganache | Simple and Moist Eggless Cake


 For Cake

1/2 cup All Purpose Flour / Maida
1/4 cup Water
1/2 Cup Sugar ( Powdered)
1/4 Cup Buttermilk
3 tbsp Cocoa powder
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp Baking powder
1/8 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Instant Coffee Powder
2 tbsp Yogurt / Curd
2.5 tbsp Oil

For Ganache

75 ml Fresh Cream
113 grms Semi sweet Chocolate
1/2 tbsp Butter


  • In a bowl sieve All purpose flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Salt and Cocoa powder. Mix well and keep it aside.
  • In another bowl add Sugar, Oil, Coffee( Mix coffee powder with water), Buttermilk and Yogurt.
  • Mix until sugar is dissolved and everything is well combined.
  • Grease the cake pan with butter or parchment paper.
  •  Pre heat oven to 350 F / 180 C
  • Now add dry ingredients into the wet ingredients into 2 batches and mix gently do not over mix.
  • Pour the cake mixture into the greased pan and bake for 20-25 minutes or until the toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  • Take out the pan from the oven and let it cool down completely.
  • Once the cake is completely cool decorate it with ganache or butter cream.
  • For ganache take a bowl add fresh cream and chocolate chips and microwave it for 20 seconds, take it out stir if the chocolate chips or chunks are not completely dissolved microwave it again.
  • Be careful do not burn the chocolate. Can also use the double boiler method.
  • Decorate the cake as per your preference.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Homemade Sandwich Bread | How to make bread


21/2 cup All purpose flour
1/2 cup Milk
11/2 tbsp Butter
11/8 tsp Instant dry yeast
11/2 tbsp Sugar
3/4 tsp Salt
1 Egg
1/4 cup Water


  • In a bowl mix flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Then add beaten egg. Mix everything well.

  • Melt butter in 1/2 cup of milk. The milk should be slightly warm. Add mixture into the flour and knead for 2-3 minutes.

  • Now add 1/4 cup of warm water and knead well for 8-10 minutes. Knead until the dough is shiny and elastic.

  • Shape it into a ball and apply oil.

  • Place it into a well oiled bowl. Cover it with cling wrap and let it rise.

  • Once the dough double in size, punch down the dough gently and knead for a minute or two.

  • Roll the dough into a rectangle with the help of rolling pin.

  • Shape it into a loaf.

  • Grease the loaf tin with oil and let the dough proof.

  • Preheat the oven at 350 degree F. Cover the tin with aluminium foil and bake for 25 mins. You can sprinkle some flax seeds or oats on top (optional).

  • Now remove the aluminium foil and milk wash / apply butter on top and keep it back in the oven until the crust is evenly brown.

  • Remove from the oven and allow it to cool.